El derecho a la tierra bajo amenaza en las Verapaces: desalojos en tiempos de COVID-19

Guatemala, un país conocido por su abundante naturaleza y por sus raíces mayas, xinkas y garífunas, sigue albergando uno de los tesoros más preciados para la humanidad: las voces de los Pueblos Originarios que nos recuerdan que somos parte del tejido de la vida1. Sin embargo, esas raíces ancestrales y comunitarias se han visto fuertemente golpeadas por dinámicas depredadoras y violentas desde los tiempos de la colonización hasta el día de hoy, despreciando la vida y poniendo en el centro intereses económicos de diversos grupos de poder.


Eduardo Bin Poou absolved for the crime of aggravated trespassing

Eduardo Bin Poou, a Q'eqchi human rights defender and vice president of the Fishermen's Association of El Estor, Izabal, was acquitted on Friday, May 3, 2019.

Eduardo was arrested on June 29, 2018 in El Estor, Izabal and charged on July 9 with the crime of trespassing on protected areas. Since then he has been deprived of his liberty in the prison of Puerto Barrios. His legal defense was led by two lawyers from the Human Rights Law Firm (BDH), Francisco Vivar and Santiago Choc, and PBI accompanied the case.


70 Years of Human Rights and 20 Recognising Defenders

In September, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (henceforth, the Declaration), Peace Brigades International (PBI) invited 13 human rights defenders who are accompanied by the 7 PBI projects to Brussels. 4 full-on days of meetings that brought together advocates from America, Africa and Asia and PBI members encouraged the exchange of experiences and knowledge in terms of integral protection.


70 años de derechos humanos y 20 reconociendo a personas defensoras

En septiembre, con motivo del 20º aniversario de la Declaración de Defensores/as de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas (en adelante la Declaración), Peace Brigades International (PBI) invitó a 13 defensores/as acompañados/as por los 7 proyectos de PBI a una serie de talleres en Bruselas.


Sentence against community leader Bernardo Caal

On November 9th, we accompanied the BDH to a hearing when the verdict in the Bernardo Caal Xol case was handed down in a court in Cobán. The judge restricted recordings and taking photographs in the courtroom before he handed down the verdict sentencing Bernardo Caal Xol to seven year and four months in prison for the crimes of illegal detention, switchable at a rate of Q5 per day and six years no payable for the crime of aggravated robbery. Bernardo was convicted despite evidence put forth by his defense attorneys which showed that he was not at the scene at the time of the events.



Suscribirse a Criminalisation